Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Religion as a trend?

As I was browsing videos on, I came upon this cartoon. This cartoon is about a man that is trying to choose a religion for himself. He wants to choose a religion based on the various benefits that it includes. These benefits include things like eternal life and the flexibility to believe what you want to believe in the different religious systems. He says that he would choose Christianity as a religion, because it is the only religion that he knows a lot about. In addition, he doesn't like the different rituals that he would need to follow in other religions, such as Islam or Judaism.

This video got me thinking about religion in our society today. Has religion become a certain trend in society? It seems like people are choosing religions based solely on what they hear about them and the various benefits that they get out of each religion. It scares me to think that people might not actually believe in the essence of their religion, but believe in the things that aren't what true religion is about. Shouldn't religion be about the belief in a higher power to explain things about the world that aren't clear to us. It seems like some people are just practicing their religion because of the benefits and the fad that it has created in society today, and this is not right.


  1. I personally think that people don't choose their religion, but that their religion chooses them. For example, growing up in a household of Catholics, one will probably identify oneself as Catholic. I mean, if you think about it, religions aren't so terribly different. Most of them supply people with moral guidelines on how to live their lives. Usually there's a higher power involved. Although, I suppose a person might have qualms with basic sentiments of a church. That's a different story, I guess. :)

  2. I like the video you posted- it has the standard generalizations which is what makes it funny.
    But, it seems to me that in our current time, most people are turning away from religion rather than joining new ones. Many of my friends were brought up in a certain religion and now are no longer religious (but also not looking for a new one to join).

  3. I thought this tied in nicely with Mackenzie's post on the religion quiz. And I would like to play this video in class some day..
